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Insects are an essential part of ecosystems, playing crucial roles in pollination, decomposition, and as a food source for many animals. As pollinators, insects such as bees, butterflies, and beetles facilitate the reproduction of flowering plants, including many food crops. In addition, insects are key players in breaking down organic matter, aiding in the recycling of nutrients and maintaining soil health. Furthermore, insects form the base of many food chains, serving as prey for birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals. At the Little Rock Zoo, we recognize the importance of insects in sustaining healthy ecosystems, and we strive to educate our visitors about their vital roles and promote conservation efforts to protect insect populations and biodiversity.

Caribbean Giant Cockroach

(Giant Cave Cockroach)

The Caribbean Giant Cockroach, is a fascinating insect species native to the Caribbean region and parts of South and Central America. These large, robust cockroaches are known for their impressive size and distinctive appearance, with dark brown or black bodies and long antennae. Despite their reputation as pests, Caribbean Giant Cockroaches play important roles in their ecosystems as scavengers, helping to break down decaying organic matter and recycle nutrients.


They can be found in the West Indies, Panama, and northern South America.


Length: 3-4in.

These roaches are some of the largest in the world!

This species has not been evaluated for the IUCN Red List.

Chilean Rose Tarantula

The Chilean Rose Tarantula, is a striking arachnid species native to the deserts and scrublands of Chile, South America. Known for its docile nature and beautiful coloration, with a rose-pink body and dark-colored abdomen, the Chilean Rose Tarantula is a popular choice among tarantula enthusiasts. Despite their intimidating appearance, these tarantulas are relatively harmless to humans, with venom that is not considered medically significant.

Tarantulas have two appendages near the mouth called pedipalps. These have sharp plates for crushing their food and also help in capturing their prey.


Found in Chile, these tarantulas prefer a hot, dry habitat.


Length: 5in.

  • The hairs covering a tarantula’s body help with sensory input (such as temperature, smell and vibrations) as well as defense. When a tarantula feels threatened, it will flick hairs from its abdomen at the threat which can cause irritation and often results in the predator leaving the tarantula alone.
  • Tarantulas are a spider, but aren’t considered to be in the group of “true spiders.” Tarantulas and their close relatives, do not build webs like “true spiders.” They are able to produce silk that they may use to build a home in the trees or underground, but they can’t build complex webs. Their fangs are also positioned differently. “True spiders” have fangs that come together horizontally while tarantula fangs are more like a snakes in that they are pointed down.

This species has not been evaluated for the IUCN Red List. They may be threatened by habitat loss and the pet trade.

Malaysian Black Scorpion

(Asiatic Forest Scorpion)

The Malaysian Black Scorpion, is an intriguing arachnid species native to Southeast Asia, including Malaysia. Recognizable by its glossy black exoskeleton and robust pincers, this scorpion species is renowned for its intimidating appearance. Despite its fearsome reputation, the Malaysian Black Scorpion is typically non-aggressive towards humans and primarily preys on small insects and arthropods.


This genus is found throughout Asia. As their name implies, they inhabit humid forests.


Length: 3-8in.

  • These scorpions are venomous, however their venom is mild and has never resulted in a human fatality.
  • Asiatic forest scorpions are popular pets

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